8th Grade Info Night 2025
8th Grade Info Night was January 15th, you can see the slides from it HERE
8th Grade Info Night was January 15th, you can see the slides from it HERE
Here is the link to our back to School Night Presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGNY_tfmKw/OAUnhZd3oMdhosfa1oSc4A/edit
Skyview Students and Families, The Skyview student welcome back letter with important information can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/176f3iCLBK2J7VFrtiPMbG7cfUeab4EYUKpLIwGVg83k/edit
Hello Skyview families, We hope you are getting excited about the upcoming school year! As we prepare for our first day on August 28, we wanted to share some important dates and times with you that will be important to remember. PLEASE NOTE: The first day of kindergarten is September 3. The [...]
ALL boundary exceptions are required annually Out-of-district boundary exceptions for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted beginning Monday, May 6, 2024. Click Here for Link
The Deadline for Senior parent ads is February 17. Click here and enter school 6886 to get started.
Skyview's SMT program of choice is still accepting applications! We are aware of challenges in the application process. By filling out the attached form, you are applying to the SMT program at Skyview High School. After applying, please watch for a confirmation email within 24hrs requesting additional information. If you have already applied through parent-vue, please [...]
By the end of this month the 2024-2025 FAFSA will be released and ready to complete. This is a critical part of your college application process, here's the link for up to date information: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Seniors, there are a number of local scholarships posted in Xello, winter break is a great time to apply for these. Two are specifically for Skyview Seniors: The Trey Foote Memorial Scholarship and the Vancouver Rotary Scholarship. In Xello click on "College Planning", then click on "Search for Local Scholarships".
Hello Skyview students and families- Big Smiles Dentistry is coming to Skyview on October 30th to provide free on-site dental appointments for students. They accept most private insurances as well as Apple. There are also opportunities for reduced prices if you have no dental insurance. Big Smiles can do exams, cleanings, fluoride treatment, cavity fillings, simple extractions [...]