Surge of COVID-19 cases creates backlog of notifications | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk
School and district staff must thoroughly investigate each case, determine close contacts and follow through on all the details.
School and district staff must thoroughly investigate each case, determine close contacts and follow through on all the details.
This month's recipients include a teacher, teacher librarian, school nurse, building operator and instructional coach.
Introducing Xello Family! Help your student research colleges, careers and complete their High School & Beyond Plan (HSBP) in Xello! In alignment with the mission of Vancouver Public Schools and Washington state’s graduation requirements, the HSBP is a requirement for all graduates and begins in sixth grade. Xello is VPS's online platform for [...]
News to know: In-person learning to continue, possible changes in bus routes, survey seeks student feedback about pandemic, update on athletic testing--and more!
At this time, no upcoming remote learning dates are expected in VPS. All schools plan to provide in-person learning.
One of the contingency plans for transportation could involve changing or modifying routes on days when we do not have enough drivers.
Effective immediately, students who participate in wrestling, basketball and indoor cheer will be tested for COVID-19 on the day of a competition only.
Students in grades six through 12 will have the option to participate in a survey given by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
News to know: temporary remote learning continues for some schools, revised equity policy reflects feedback from community, school menu has a new look and mobile app, free optional COVID-19 testing, apply now for specialty programs, rental assistance and more!
Watch the Science, Math and Technology Magnet open house video to learn more about enrolling in the school for the 2022-23 school year. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 18 2022.